Pro-Government Media Claims Thousands of Defections to CPP

Pro-government media reports have claimed that more than 6,000 opposition leaders and members have defected to the ruling Cambodian People’s Party within the last six months due to “weakness” in leadership.

Between January and June 2023, government mouthpiece Fresh News reported 6,473 defections from opposition parties in dozens of separate news items, according to a sampling of the reports.

Although some reports included videos of opposition leaders and activists proclaiming their allegiance to the ruling party, others were vague and provided no evidence of the supposed defectors’ positions. 

Some stories appeared to conflate new supporters with defections: For example, a recent story claimed that 45 Candlelight Party and Cambodia National Rescue Party “activists” joined the CPP in one day, but it was not clear if they were voters as opposed to party organizers or elected officials.

Other stories say that former Cambodia National Rescue Party activists had defected. But the CNRP was dissolved in 2017, making the supposed defectors’ actual party affiliations unclear. 

Independent news reports do show, however, that defections have swept the ranks of elected officials, including not only senior former CNRP or Candlelight officials but also several who have faced jail, such as Sun Thun, a former CNRP provincial council member in Kampong Thom and Kung Raiya, a former member of Candlelight Party central committee who had been jailed twice.

In a recent VOA report, Candlelight Party spokesman Kimsour Phirith estimated 10-15% of Candlelight’s senior leadership had defected.

Notable defectors include former CNRP youth leader Yim Sinorn, who organized labor protests in South Korea among Cambodian migrant workers, and opposition lawyer Ket Khy, a deputy head of the Candlelight working group in Kampong Speu.

Leaders and activists from other parties, such as the Grassroots Democratic Party, have also defected to the ruling party, such as Yang Saing Koma, Sam Inn, Leok Sothea and Sem Hak and Khmer Win Party leader Suong Sophorn, plus some other activists from the League for Democracy Party, Cambodian Indigenous People’s Democracy Party and Cambodia Nation Love Party.

Fresh News claimed that defectors have said they were tricked into believing opposition leaders’ incitement tactics. Some defectors have provided similar narratives in interviews with independent media, saying they lost faith in opposition leaders or were incited to foment revolutions.

The defections come amid months of ongoing arrests and intimidation against opposition members, including the sentencing of Kem Sokha to 27 years of house arrest in February, the disqualification of the Candlelight Party from participating in the election, and numerous reported assaults.

Reported Defections to the CPP

Date Reported Number of Defectors Former Party
30/06/2023 1 Candlelight Party
30/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
30/06/2023 1 Candlelight Party
29/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
29/06/2023 3 Candlelight Party
29/06/2023 613 Candlelight Party
29/06/2023 131 Funcinpec
29/06/2023 132 Khmer National United Party
29/06/2023 99 Grassroots Democracy Party
29/06/2023 91 Unnamed Parties
29/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
28/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
27/06/2023 2 Candlelight Party
27/06/2023 3 Candlelight Party
26/06/2023 20 Cambodian Youth Party
26/06/2023 194 Funcinpec
26/06/2023 986 Candlelight Party
26/06/2023 1 Candlelight Party
25/06/2023 145 Candlelight Party / Unnamed Parties
25/06/2023 48 Candlelight Party / Unnamed Parties
25/06/2023 174 Candlelight Party
22/06/2023 2 Candlelight Party
22/06/2023 6 Candlelight Party
22/06/2023 1 Candlelight Party
21/06/2023 71 Candlelight Party
21/06/2023 1 Candlelight Party
21/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
21/06/2023 45 Cambodia National Rescue Party
21/06/2023 7 Candlelight Party
21/06/2023 1 Candlelight Party
19/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party (including mass trial defendant Long Phary)
18/06/2023 1 Candlelight Party
17/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
16/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
16/06/2023 72 Candlelight Party
16/06/2023 97 Cambodia National Rescue Party
16/06/2023 49 Cambodia Nation Love Party
16/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
14/06/2023 360 Candlelight Party
13/06/2023 1 Funcinpec
13/06/2023 700 Candlelight Party
13/06/2023 1 Candlelight Party
13/06/2023 1 Candlelight Party (including Phnom Penh working group head Sar Longdeth)
13/06/2023 15 Candlelight Party
11/06/2023 9 Cambodia National Rescue Party / Candlelight Party
11/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party (including mass trial defendant Tum Bunthorn)
10/06/2023 47 Candlelight Party
07/06/2023 381 Candlelight Party
07/06/2023 146 Funcinpec
07/06/2023 200 Cambodia National Rescue Party
07/06/2023 7 Unnamed Parties
07/06/2023 31 Cambodia National Rescue Party / Candlelight Party
06/06/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
04/06/2023 32 Candlelight Party
01/06/2023 3 Cambodia National Rescue Party / Candlelight Party
30/05/2023 51 Cambodia National Rescue Party / Candlelight Party
30/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
29/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
29/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
29/05/2023 30 Candlelight Party
28/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
28/05/2023 138 Candlelight Party
28/05/2023 95 Unnamed Parties
27/05/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
26/05/2023 15 Candlelight Party
26/05/2023 2 League for Democracy Party
26/05/2023 2 Cambodia Indigenous People’s Democracy Party
26/05/2023 32 Candlelight Party
25/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
22/05/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
22/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
21/05/2023 120 Cambodia National Rescue Party / Candlelight Party
21/05/2023 20 Candlelight Party
20/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
20/05/2023 149 Candlelight Party
20/05/2023 1 Political Analyst
19/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party (including lawyer Ket Khy)
19/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
18/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
13/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
13/05/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
13/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
13/05/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
11/05/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
11/05/2023 2 Candlelight Party
10/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
10/05/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party (including Kong Mas, previously arrested for incitement)
08/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
08/05/2023 4 Candlelight Party
08/05/2023 2 Candlelight Party (including Ratanakiri party official Thoeun Bunthorn, who was arrested for plotting)
08/05/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
05/05/2023 2 Candlelight Party (including Pey Pey Ly, prominent youth CNRP activist)
01/05/2023 1 Candlelight Party
30/04/2023 1 Khmer Win Party (including party president Suong Sophorn)
26/04/2023 2 Candlelight Party
25/04/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party
21/04/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party (including Yim Sinorn, former party activist)
02/04/2023 1 Grassroots Democracy Party (including Sam Inn, former party vice president)
02/04/2023 1 Grassroots Democracy Party (including Sem Hak, former party secretary-general)
27/03/2023 1 Candlelight Party
09/03/2023 16 Cambodia National Rescue Party
16/02/2023 36 Candlelight Party
09/02/2023 1 Candlelight Party
09/02/2023 41 Candlelight Party
04/02/2023 55 Candlelight Party
27/01/2023 4 Candlelight Party
22/01/2023 675 Candlelight Party
21/01/2023 9 Candlelight Party
23/04/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party (including Hun Kosal, party activist)
03/05/2023 1 Cambodia National Rescue Party (including Ear Channa, party activist)