See Also: Results, Statements, Reactions, Parties, Candidates, Past Elections

Seats are calculated by first dividing a province’s valid votes by the number of seats on offer. For example, 12,000 votes for Phnom Penh’s 12 seats gives a “quotient” of 1,000.

In the first round of calculations, parties receive one seat for every “quotient,” e.g. 5,500 votes would give five seats for the previous example.

The remaining seats are then allocated one by one to the party with the most votes after dividing their vote counts by the number of seats they’ve so far been allocated plus one. For example, the party of the previous example would have a score of 5,500 ÷ 6 for round two.

Party Votes Seats Per round
Beehive Social Democratic Party
Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Democracy Party
Cambodian Nationality Party
Cambodian People’s Party
Cambodian Youth Party
Democracy Power Party
Dharmacracy Party
Ekpheap Cheat Khmer Party
Farmer’s Party
Grassroots Democratic Party
Khmer Anti-Poverty Party
Khmer Conservative Party
Khmer Economic Development Party
Khmer National United Party
Khmer United Party
People Purpose Party
Women for Women Party