Province-by-province results from Sunday’s election show relatively weak turnout in the country’s northwest, and the share of invalid votes highest in and around Phnom Penh.
As of Monday morning, the National Election Committee has published voting results from 98% of polling stations from Sunday’s election.
The ruling Cambodian People’s Party won the vast majority of votes at 82% of valid votes nationally, or 78% of total votes including invalid votes.
Its share was highest in Pursat, at 88% of total votes, and also strong in the country’s northeast — Mondulkiri, Ratanakiri and Stung Treng. It was relatively weak in the neighboring provinces of Siem Reap and Kampong Thom.
Invalid votes, meanwhile, were most common in Phnom Penh at 7.5%, followed by Kandal at 6.9%. Pursat, which had the highest CPP share, also had the lowest invalid vote percentage.

More results are available on Kamnotra’s Ballot ’23 page.