Nearly 300 Officials, Soldiers Retired in Fourth Quarter of 2022

Nearly 300 civil servants, military and police officers retired in the last three months of 2022, according to documents in the Royal Gazette.

Royal Gazette books No. 79 in 2022 through No. 10 in 2023 contain announcements for the retirements of 270 officials and soldiers: 94 civil servants from 22 different ministries and state institutions, 126 military officers, and 50 police officers.

The announcements dated from October 7 to December 27.

The retiring soldiers and police officers had ranks from colonel up to lieutenant general.

Chat Sineang, a former Kandal provincial prison director, was also among those 50 retired officers. Previously, under the management of Sineang, the Kandal provincial prison was accused of negligence leading to the death of an inmate​, prison escape, and some corruption among prison officials.

To see the individual documents, search “Retirement” in the Gazetteer.