Government Appoints New Ambassadors

The Cambodian government replaced 13 ambassadors in overseas missions in November 2022, according to documents released in book 90 of the Royal Gazette.

The government signed a three-page document on November 3, 2022, which was released by the Council of Ministers in June, terminating 13 ambassador positions. It also issued 13 further documents on the same day appointing new ambassadors to the same vacant positions.

The government appointed:

  • Cheunboran Chanborey (ជឺនបូរាណ ច័ន្ទបូរី) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Australia and New Zealand, replacing Chan Ratana (ចាន់ រតនា).
  • Lim Hokseng (លឹម ហុកសេង) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Brunei Darussalam, replacing Hok Sophea (ហុក សុភា).
  • Chea Thireak (ជា​ ធីរៈ) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, replacing Ban Borum (បាន បូរ៉ុម).
  • Sman Manan (ស្មាន ម៉ាណា) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain, replacing Hun Hean (ហ៊ុន ហាន​).
  • Koy Kuong (កុយ គួង) to be ambassador of Cambodia to India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Iran, Nepal and Maldives, replacing Aung Sean (អ៊ុង ស៊ាន).
  • Ney Samol (ណី សំអុល) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Malaysia, replacing Chery Vichet (ចឺយ វិចិត្ត​).
  • Chum Angvichet (ជំ អង្គវិចិត្រ) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Myanmar (Burma), Chouk Bunna (ឈូ​ក ប៊ុណ្ណា).
  • Pichkhun Panha (ពេជ្រឃុន បញ្ញា) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus and Armenia, replacing Ath Sila (អ៊ាត សីលា).
  • Hun Saroeun (ហ៊ុន សារឿន) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Thailand, replacing Ouk Sophorn (អ៊ូក សោភ័ណ).
  • Chea Kimtha (ជា​ គឹមថា) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Vietnam, replacing Chay Navuth (ចាយ ណាវុធ).
  • In Dara (អ៊ិន តារា​) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Switzerland and permanent representative of Cambodia to the United Nations and international organizations in Geneva, Switzerland, replacing An Sokkhoeurn (អាន សុខខឿន).
  • Eat Sophea (អ៊ាត សោភា) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Canada and permanent representative of Cambodia to the United Nations in Canada, replacing Ke Sovann (កែ សុវណ្ណ).
  • Appointment of Heng Sarith (ហេង សារិទ្ធ​) to be the ambassador of Cambodia to Indonesia, replacing Yeab Samnang (យៀប សំណាង).