Land Privatized at Boeng Tamok Lake for Individuals

The government has cut five locations on Phnom Penh’s Boeng Tamok lake totaling 36 hectares to transfer to six people.

According to one of two sub-decrees dated November 21, 2022, and published by the Council of Ministers on April 24, 2023, Prime Minister Hun Sen reclassified three locations totaling 30.4 hectares in Prek Pnov district’s Ponsaing commune for Sreng Thoeun, Yem Chanraksmey, Trieng Sinuon and Phoung Somey.

Sreng Thoeun, Yem Chanraksmey, Trieng Sinuon, Phoung Somey, Say Saroeum, Prum Sreyrouth

  • Action: Land Classification
  • Date: November 21, 2022
  • Institution: Prime Minister, sub-decree

The second sub-decree reclassified two locations totaling 5.7 hectares in Samraong commune for Say Saroeum and Prum Sreyrouth.

Local news website reported in February that the land transfer sparked a protest by nearly 100 families in Ponsaing commune claiming they had been using the land for a long time.

Boeng Tamok lake has been steadily parceled out to individuals and institutions — many of them linked to government and military officials — as is being filled with land for development.